Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
Letting people talk about themselves... it makes their day, learning how to listen, little finches, really good scalloped potatoes, day dreaming about "my dream art studio... wanna come along?, buying ten items from the snack machine so that I have change to buy the Sunday newspaper... a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A day in the rehab center/nursing home

Today I painted 25 5x7 watercolor note cards for a show in downtown Jax... all cupcakes. I did about 15 pen and ink palm tree drawings, played piano, played guitar and have plans to do the same. tomorrow. I pass out simple cards and the other roomies love them. One said today "Well damn!" I wanted to say "no shit!". Life is fun. I talk to stroke victims and tell them as they drool "I know you are in there. I've been there. I understand". And they do. I hold hands, stroke hair and open milk cartons. I'm supposed to be here. Seven weeks guys..... I miss my home but it's here for now. Hey, I paint and they bring me food. How cool is that?

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes

Another new sunrise, being served breakfast, getting my life back, the human spirit, being open to love others and to be loved, my power wheelchair, and taking responsibility for my own joy.
Celebrate the day!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes

Cheering up fellow rehab patients, Food Channels show "Chopped", Bravo's show "Rocco's Dinner Party",  quiet time, "getting the ball rolling", having a home to go home to and lizard and hummingbirds outside my small hospital window... little blessings.
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fine Art and Piano Lessons
In my home studio
Jacksonville Florida
33 Years teaching experience
Contact information

Celebrate the day... not the Celebrex

Celebrate the day... not the Celebrex

Five percent of patients who take celebrex run the risk of kidney damage.  Lucky me.  I'm one of the five percent.  Now I can no longer take pain medicine and any meds for my rheumatoid arthritis. Ow.

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes

Make up....  thank god for make up!  Hospital food (well at least I don't have to cook it), "have paints, will travel" even in a nursing home, reaching out to my elderly roomies and meeting them where they are at even if they can't hear and understand, new art and piano students, and the promise of a new day.

Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Living in a nursing home and the lessons that it provides, Panda Express, visitors, taking showers again, going home in two weeks after being in the hospital for seven (boy do I need to clean out the frig), playing and singing guitar in the rehab center, marketing my art/music/teaching from a hospital bed and blooming where you're planted.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes

Maneuvering the halls of the rehab center in a sea of wheelchairs, meeting my rehab goals and then some, summer showers, playing the guitar for patients and their families, doodling note cards and getting back to work.

Celebrate the day!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes

Diet soft drinks, reading the Sunday sale circulars, making new friends, getting "back in the loop", enjoying the blessing of Sunday no matter where I am and looking forward to cooking for others when I leave the rehab center.

Celebrate the day!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes
Getting stronger in a physical rehab center after five weeks in the hospital, believing that God will not let me be a victim but a victor, God's light shinning through even the darkest crevasses through the love of people, new beginnings and astromeria flowers.
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

This is lupus

From my iPad....
Two weeks ago I developed a red painful rash on my leg while in my art studio and two hours later it had developed into a lifethreatoning attack of Celubritis. By the neXt. Morning my son was taking me to the mayo clinic ER.
Lupus took that one infection and within 24hrs I almost died 3times due to deadly skin decease,blood clot,kidney failure,perm.loss of vision, bowel infection, very high blood pressure, high blood suger,water retention, fluid in my lungs, breathing problems,skin rashes,bleeding eyes..... I am finally out of ICU and. Once stablilized I will go to a rehab center to have the privillage of living to learn how to walk again. Oh and this may show in my message here I am still facing a serriouse fight with Ceribritus... Brain swelling. I am entertaiNing.

This is the face of lupus. We need to fin a cure.

Please, celebrate the day! I know I. Will.