Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Good people... there are so many good people,  split pea soup when you don't feel well,  cheap magazine subcriptions,  getting out and into a car today for the first time in two months... yippee!,  "living the life!",  sleepimg 10 hours straight!  OMG!  Must have needed it...,  so many recorded  Christmas movies to watch... so little time, ha!,  help with making my bed,  turning my heat on for the first time and IT WORKS!  We are so blessed to have heat AND AC,  my funky white Christmes tree in my bedroom and making queche last night that came out to be a beautiful 6 cheese soufle...  I forgot to addd the cream. :)
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
People who love me and take the time to show it, falling forward, having what I need to be who I am, a closet with clothes, dental floss, plain popcorn dusted with pumpkin pie spice and raw sugar, God giving me a voice to sing, blue and white china, a cleaned up art studio waiting to paint in, and remembering living in Bamburg Germany at Christmas time... Wow!
Celebrate the day!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
Morning Glories blooming at the end of November,  The Christmas Choir movie,  sweet potato pecan bread,  slowing down to listen to the birds,  "I love you" texts from my daughter at 11:00 at night,  my new adorable sock monkey pajamas... thanks Michele,  playing Mannheim Steamroller on the piano first thing in the morning and having a game plan for the day.
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
Ah, the rustic aroma of burned cinnamon rolls in the morning,  catching the coffee pot before it overflowed,  if I complain I will remain... if I praise I will be raised.. beam me up Scotty!,  an itty bitty tiny green spider,  the movie "The Christmas Memory" with Patty Duke... most excellent,  remembering and being thankful for my past life as a choir director, worship leader and performer... it was like living a prayer,  my new Kodak Easy Share camera... it rocks!  and my sister Michele... she always has time to talk with me, even with five kids... she is a great multi-tasker.
Celebrate this awesome day!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes
"Crazy good",  BOGOS,  living a life with purpose, even if that includes a nap!,  cranberry pistachio biscotti,  having a reason to wake up in the morning,  books books and more books,  getting to know myself (hello self) and "peace on earth good will to all men".
Celebrate the day!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
Momentum,  self employment means no "Christmas bonus"... no wait...  MY LIFE is my "Christmas bonus"!  Amen?,  GETTING to choose what I wear, what I need,  my early morning commute... leave bedroom and go to my home studio,  no road rage.... unless my dog Panda cuts in front of my power  wheelchair,  leftover turkey and dressing sandwiches... and leftovers from my sister,  new designs and new pet series, a yard to enjoy and chocolate peppermint candy canes.
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
Being sick and having to stay home but celebrating the day anyway,  hot chai tea,  living out loud,  hanging out with Shannon, books to read, music to enjoy and a dog to pet,,  calling my soon to be 89 year old beautiful mother, and gourmet cupcakes.
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
My pendleton clock suddenly working for the first time in years,  getting to go to Hallmark.  my fight with vasculitis and cellulitis and being alive to fight it,  having JUST enough milk for my morning cereal, watching the movie The Holiday"... it was very good, the freedom to design my own one day at a time, my new Electric Pets series and freshly baked cinnamon spice cookies.
Celebrate the day!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday"s Grace Notes

Monday"s Grace Notes
Unconditional gratitude,  lying on my bed on a Sunday afternoon listening to Handel's Messiah and smiling,  not being grateful and unhappy at the same time,  my bathroom scale breaking?,  fresh hot corn on the cob with a bit of butter and Lawry's Seasoned Salt,  "let me be the one out of ten healed lepers that returned to Jesus to say "thank you",  looking forward to the day ahead and going barefoot.
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
Having "church" at Publix... a nice lady said today "you must be a Christian.  Your happy face just glows"...  go Jesus!  Seeing the funny side of things,  thinking big,  feathering my nest... I love feathers,  remembering how I used to love being able to iron,  the eye drops for my glaucoma that make my eyelashes long,  having too many things to be thankful for to post in one day.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes
Thoughts that pop into my head like "my life is so rich",  16 Christmas CD's from the library... maybe a bit of an over do?  Nah!  Smiling at myself,  knowing that with out gratitude my heart remains closed, Saturday morning garage sales, meeting friends and saying YES to life!
Celebrate the day!  Yippee!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
Rum raisin coffee creamer,  forgiving myself for my daily mistakes,  scanning and posting my paintings,  realizing that sometimes it's my attitude towards a problem that is the problem,  Haas avocados, being able to pay businesses like Pet Chauffeur to take Panda to the groomers and go to the library for me...  Thank you Linda!,  getting the mail and people to bake muffins for.
Celebrate the day! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursdays Grace Notes

Thursdays Grace Note
Celebrating today... tomorrow can take care of itself,  learning that it would take $20,000.00 to save my house... good to know where I stand,  going from stolen identity, sabotaged business, near death 2 1/2 month hospitalization this past summer to where I am today... and being a victor and not a victim, bratwurst with cranberry relish and honey mustard, clean blankets, towels and sheets,  a totally overhauled and organized kitchen pantry and donating 15 cans of canned peas and unadorned Christmas trees... sometimes, like us, they look better that way.
Celebrate the day! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Answered prayers and a good nights sleep,  my new scanner... woo hoo!,  separately spending time w/ my two adult children on the same day,  being self sufficient,  having my house cleaned today,  doing what I'm supposed to be doing,  rubbing fresh herbs between my fingers and drinking in their lingering fragrance,  orange cranberry relish and mandarin orange yogurt,  colored pencils to adorn my pen and ink pet portraits and a forecast of thunderstorms... a good time to light a candle and brew some hazelnut creme coffee while I work... and my watercolor rooster paintings.
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
Learning to lean on other peoples faith as well as my own,  my comfy and familiar neon green lounger w/ the hoodie and embroidered beach chairs and blinging w/ sequins,  drawing pen and ink pet portraits while watching Christmas movies,  putting my feet up because they are too swollen to walk... hence the pet portraits, helping myself before I call on others, my new Whole Living magazine subscription,  and brushing my teeth.
Celebrate the day!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
Staring into space, using different colored pens, Henry Winkler as a judge on Iron Chef... how fun!  relaxing my shoulders,  being in a working/get things accomplished mood,  my love of fresh fruit and vegetables,  Ciara perfume, polished nails  and getting to be a girly girl.
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
Panda and I playing fetch with his stuffed monkey,  a song in my heart,  coming home to my sense of self,  placing holds on 20 Christmas CD's at the library,  buying long stemmed sunflowers for myself... because life is sweet, be bopping down to TCBY for some fat free peanut butter frozen yogurt,  time with my daughter Shannon, and my favorite painting of all time "Silver Lining" returning back to me.  I may have to keep this one.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes
Sweater weather in Florida, taking the risk of trusting others and asking for help, not fast forwarding the DVR and watching the Christmas commercials, the sanctuary within me, Florida Horizons pen and inks, an open easel, a hot shower  and  the gentle  nuances of gray.
Celebrate the day!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
An attitude of gratitude,  being able to see the alarm clock and hear it,  getting to clean a house,  having a dishwasher to empty,  watching the dappled light dance through the trees,  having the honor of being an Army Wife for 29 years,  selling large paintings,  seeing old friends and clicking on spellcheck and having nothing to correct.
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
My car was repossessed this morning and now belongs to the bank... but I'm still here and I still belong to Jesus, choosing to be a victor and not a victim, hearing pine cones fall in the woods, viewing my life as an exciting book and I always get to turn the next page, diet cranberry juice, choosing to love and not to hate, and my computer... I mean, hello!
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
A fun evening with my two daughters Shannon and Jennifer sharing Italian Meatball Soup and watching T.V., facing my demons head on and finding that things weren't so bad after all, doing what I need to do to take care of myself, teaching drawing 101, pretty figs from my garden, and another new day blooming in front of me.
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
Fresh baked double chocolate muffins for breakfast and to give to neighbors, watching kindness affect other people like a ripple effect in a pond reaching others then finally reaching back to us, watches that display the right time, sisters, taking the high road even if it means that I have to roll my wheelchair up another steep hill, a second cup of pumpkin cinnamon spice coffee, peace be still... tapping my inner quiet.
Celebrate the day!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
Trying to practice simple kindness, trying to view my adult life of responsibilities as a four year old "now which toy shall I play with next", feeding people, if only in my own home, trying not to demand so much from myself... it's exhausting!, and resting in the arms of Jesus... sometimes it's the only way to go.
Celebrate the day!

I am alive!

I am alive!
I am alive to celebrate another Christmas.  Another celebration of our savior's birth, another December to love and to be loved.  Another chance to live a New Year. My doctors, family, even myself, didn't fully expect me to be alive today, but Jesus did. December is not enough month to rejoice.  This year, for me, Christmas begins on November 15th. I have already cheated...  I have broken out my first Christmas mug.
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
A hot cup of French roast coffee in one hand and petting the dog with the other, abiding....,  baking "Drunken Jamaican Brownies" on a cold and blustery day, not saying " I can't" and going to the Internet to fix the stove or have dog food delivered to the house if I can't get it myself, independence... it's a wonderful thing, a day full of art ahead of me... no lessons on Sunday's and the sound of a running dishwasher.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes
Watching more movies by myself... along with popcorn of course! living within the hours of today, biscuits and honey, not completing everything on my to do list, my new non "mom jeans", playing O Holy night this morning with my voice student, and connecting with those I love.
Celebrate the day!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
"I'm going to make my life a miracle!", the cold sting of the wind as it blows across a lake, sleeping so soundly that I barely have to make my bed, my old Sheltie coming in to take a shower with me... too cute, "why worry when I can pray?" and wickedly curly ornamental fall gourds.
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
Not being afraid of getting out of the boat and walk on water... as long as I don't have to wear a bathing suit, exercising more and sleeping better, losing more weight by eating more... fresh fruits and vegetables and protein, Wayne Dyers book "Excuses Be Gone!", turquoise blue and chocolate brown, shipping paintings directly from my home, and November 3, 2011...
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"I Once Was Lost But Now I'm Found"

"I Once Was Lost But Now I'm Found"

I got such a great deal!  A periwinkle blue $120.00 jacket from Coldwater Creek for $12.00! Sunday  I wore it to Publix, in my power wheelchair on a beautiful blustery day.  Once back home again I began to take the bags of groceries off of the back of my wheelchair and discovered my beloved jacket was missing! I said out loud "Lord I am too tired to ride back to Publix two miles down the road."  I started to get upset but decided to let it go.  It was only $12.00.
Later that evening my neighbor gave me a call.  "Did you ride down to Publix today?"... "Yes..."
Her husband and sister in law went for a long walk w/ the dog.  About a mile away they found a periwinkle blue Coldwater Creek Jacket on the ground.  "Hey!  That's an expensive jacket!  Karen likes that color!  Let's take it back to her!"
Once it was in my neighbors hands she remembered that I had Facebooked in my blog about my new Periwinkle jacket and sent it back to me.
"I once was lost but now I'm found."
Now THAT'S a God wink!
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
The movie The Color Purple, starting the day with Beth Moore, a mantle with lots of twisted fresh gourds, making new friends and cherishing the old, new cinnamon candles,a hot bratwurst eaten outside in the cold with a cold soda... reminded me of living in Germany, and Joyce Meyers new book Living Beyond Your Feelings.
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
Trying to learn to live in the moment... a moment at a time, egg nog coffee creamer.. yoo! hoo!, losing 5 lbs., selling art as fast as I can paint... is that cool or what?, remembering the fishy smell of goldfish flake food... better yet, how about a new box of crayons?, thanking God... it keeps me busy, keeping my potted plants alive and God keeping ME alive to joyfully experience another November.
Celebrate the day!