From my iPad....
Two weeks ago I developed a red painful rash on my leg while in my art studio and two hours later it had developed into a lifethreatoning attack of Celubritis. By the neXt. Morning my son was taking me to the mayo clinic ER.
Lupus took that one infection and within 24hrs I almost died 3times due to deadly skin decease,blood clot,kidney failure,perm.loss of vision, bowel infection, very high blood pressure, high blood suger,water retention, fluid in my lungs, breathing problems,skin rashes,bleeding eyes..... I am finally out of ICU and. Once stablilized I will go to a rehab center to have the privillage of living to learn how to walk again. Oh and this may show in my message here I am still facing a serriouse fight with Ceribritus... Brain swelling. I am entertaiNing.
This is the face of lupus. We need to fin a cure.
Please, celebrate the day! I know I. Will.