Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
When I allow somebody to offend/hurt me it's time mail them a card telling them how much I love them....   It's the only great commission that we have "love one another", "What about me!  What about me!" oh Nancy get over your sweet self,  a blank piece of paper full of possibilities, sometimes the weirder somebody is the more I am attracted to them.... maybe I am just looking into a mirror,  since I am afraid of heights reaching for the stars can be rather scary. God may leave me hanging there for awhile until I figure out what He wants me to do,  returning to my music and asking myself "can I truly be this happy?
Celebrate the day!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday's Marketing Tips

Monday's Marketing Tips

Back by popular demand (really?) I will once again humbly, regularly post my artist marketing tips every Monday.
Marketing tip #1
Your art is a business and needs to be treated as one on a daily basis.
Market yourself 60% of the time, paint/create 40% percent of the time.  Your work may be earth shatteringly good but if only you and your pet cat are enjoying it, it really won't go anywhere.

Monday"s Grace Notes "Happiness"

Monday"s Grace Notes
Happiness can be found sipping a fine white wine on a balcony overlooking a vineyard in Italy.  Happiness can be found drinking a cup of Folgers Coffee on the back cement stoop of a mobile home.  Happiness can be found in a prison, a woman's shelter, and ICU units when they tell you that they will have to amputate your legs in the morning and you probably not live.  Happiness can be found when a woman can slide out of her own bed, into her wheelchair to live an independent day in her own home and begin to celebrate yet one more day.
I have found happiness...
and it has found me.
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday"s Grace Notes

Sunday"s Grace Notes
Unexpected pleasures... this morning I was able to lift my purple swollen stump of a leg 15 TIMES in bed! Yesterday it was only 4,  I am not as fragile as I think I am,  setting up my coffee the night before and rolling out to get my Sunday paper first thing in the morning, not making God drum his fingers and and just tell Him what I need.  He already knows.. He just needs me to say it "ask and ye shall receive" that's called faith,  my successful art and music career and being a mentor to other artists and musicians, the return of my "Artists Marketing Blogs" (by request) and my "Angels Unaware" blogs. I've had a lot of bad breaks... you too?  Well God has healed them all.. man He must multitask well,  If God has truly given me ALL that I need just for this day then "wowie zowie" now I can give the excess away.
I can start over tomorrow.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes
All of my "stuff" belongs to God,  picking up the soup can phone and saying "hello progresso, I have been eating soup and my jeans now fit!" (it's a commercial, but they do fit!),  I hope that in my old age one will find an unfinished symphony on my piano, a half written song on my music stand, a notepad of unfinished grace notes on my desk and a large unfinished painting on my easel with a creative chaos of tubes of paint showing that up to the very end I was dancing with life,  God gives me opportunities every day,,, it is up to me to take advantage of them,  loving Saturday's... the very word makes me happy and brings out the kid in me.
Celebrate the day!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Free Mailed Original Pen And Ink Note Card

Free Mailed Original Pen And Ink Note Card
Please go to my blog
sign in as a follower, email me with your address and it's mailed off to you.
I am ready with my stamps!
Celebrate the day!

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
Taking off my rose colored glasses and really seeing who I am,  "Woman should not live alone" so God gave me Panda,  "10% of people will not like you" so I will get over my sweet self and and
 keep on dancing my way,  "The Great Commission... Love One Another"....  We can do that?  Can't we?,  A huge stack of  books on the business side of creative marketing, finally finding my hand mixer.... now where is that bundt cake pan... 
Celebrate the day!
I already am!

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
Truly enjoying the fresh blueberries on my cereal, learning through my own mistakes... sometimes it is the only way to go,  my once again successful art, music performance and teaching career... w/ a lot of work,  Joyce Meyer was so good today I watched it again to take notes,  my new "No Excuses" tote bag filled w excuses "It's too hard", I don't know how, people wont like me,   (interested?  I will post a blog note to explain),  taking three days for manic marketing and already getting amazing results!,  and you my friend taking the time to read my rambling Grace Notes.
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Making today an "oh wow!" moment, seeking out mentors to bless me and maybe i can help them as well,  "oh wow!" now I have a courier service to transport my paintings around Jax and friends to do the smaller deliveries I haven't missed ALL of my art show deadlines after all, "oh wowie zowie!' yesterday I used my rollator walker to walk down to get the mail and back for the first time in over two months.  Really hard, I'll do it again today, training my dog Panda to go for walks with me in my power chair,  give give give.. this could be the last "oh wow!" day of my life,  after being told that I only had friends because they felt sorry for me,  "oh wow" he was wrong,  Praying that one day I will STAND in front of my Lord and Saviour and hear Him say "Well done my good and faithful servant" and I will say through tears of joy "Oh wow!"
Celebrate the day!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
At the chance of being redundant, isn't life good?,  one year ago I taught piano and painted...  now I have to fit in that and voice, art and guitar lessons as well - what a nice problem to have,  believing in myself and having to start over again every day,  having the discipline to end my work day at 8 :00n pm every day,  my collection of shoes under my coffee table... it really adds to the decor and so affordable, ha!,  watching the movie "Dateline News" and so many grace notes so little time.  You are welcome.  I will not bore you further.
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Acts Of Love

Acts Of Love
My daughter -in-LOVE took Friday off of work,  went to Winn-Dixie for me, then the library, then to me to get my coupons, then spent two hours at Publix. Why so long?  She carefully made sure that everything was low in salt, preservatives and a good deal even buying easy opening cans for my arthritis.  Once home  she put away my groceries "Martha Stuart Style".  She then scrubbed and cleaned and organized my kitchen and emptied the dishwasher.   All the while she acted like it was just a joy to spend time with me, not a burden.
She took care of me.
She really took care of me.
I didn't get to pick my daughter in law,  but God did.
Celebrate the day! 

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
All decked out in my painting clothes, fixing a horrible meal for myself and not having to hear "Chef Nancy, you have been chopped"LOL,  finding a pen that works when I need one,  getting my house in order, "Hot In Cleveland" fun show,  talking to myself, Jesus, the dog... and now to mosquitoes "You idiot! Don't you know that it's February?" then I squashed him... I need to get out more,  helping other artists to promote their work... there are plenty of pieces of pie to share, loving people and them loving you back - simple law of physics,  and having an overwhelming amount of fresh fruit in my frig..
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday's Grace Notes"

Saturday's Grace Notes"
Beautiful things - beautiful colors and wearing them, sun dappled shadows across a sidewalk, new growth on a dormant three year orchid, the inside of a freshly sliced green pepper,  watching Thelma And Louise, Steal Magnolias, American Idol and re acquainting myself with American pop culture,  and going down to the Publix pharmacy and coming home with new dogs to paint and new piano students.
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
This is huge!  I am now able to sit up in my bed and use my computer for the first time!  Praise God!,  taking ALL of my prescribed meds from my doctors and am doing better.... I just saw too many Percacet addicted women while in the woman's shelter and I didn't want to join the club... it had ruined their lives, when one lives alone it is really easy to be nice to people LOL, when I am happy my Sheltie is happy... chases his tail, pushes the Staples "now that was easy" button then bestows his treasured chewy to me, since May when my husband has taken all of my money from me my family has sacrificed thousands of dollars and their savings for me and then some as a "love offering"... but I know that with Gods help I WILL be able to pay then back, realizing that a divorce IS a death and it has been a healing blessing to mourn it's loss... anybody w/ me out there?,  and hearing the garbage truck coming this morning and knowing that this week I was strong enough to put it on the street... probably from all of the prayers that have been made for me.  I now hear that some neighbor is putting them away for me.  It takes a village.
Celebrate the day!  I am!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Kerry Shook.... and Nancy Asbell....  I have to take some responsibility for my walk with God,  a 24 hr migraine and the euphoria that follows when it gets better... oh happy day!,  Facebook as another kind of church "whenever 3 or more of you are gathered in My name...",  My doctors and I belonging to the same "mutual appreciation society"... I love  them!, the movies "Julie And Julia" and "Little Miss Sunshine", looking forward to my next hug, my loving children and wearing clothes that say "come on paint! Come and get me!!!"
Celebrate the day!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
Unclenching my hands and letting go,  an emptier full life,  the color green, the color blue, the color yellos....  Kaliediscopes!,,God doesn't speak to me in the thunder but in the whisper of the wind... I'm listening,  soup cans with pop off openers, piping hot fresh corn on the cobb with garlic and finely shredded parmesian cheese,  and my new Florida Horizon work in progress.
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
Perfume samples in magazines,  tapping into my quiet side,  my high school earrings still fitting,  realizing that I think better in the morning, create best in the afternoon, and lose myself in my music at night,  "wash, lather, repeat",  a dog and his chewy...  does life get any better than this?,  my love of candles...  and the friends and family who support my habit  and knowing that sometimes what seems to be the end is only the beginning.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes
Truly loving others at all times, it can be done... and it feels really good,  a big pork roast w/ cranberry and BBQ sauce and salsa with fresh apples, cranberries and onion,  my sweet familiar bed,  never truly ever being alone,  not putting things off,  the freedom of living in the truth,  and the remote control and the power of turning it off.
Celebrate the day!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
Putting a Thai tea bag into my coffee grounds to brew then enjoying "Thai Tea Latte",  fixing tortilla soup to share with others, winter in Florida... fall colors, bare branches and new growth of spring all at the same time,  Shannon coming all the way across town just for a few minutes to give me a hug, priceless,  dressing up with a bit of "bling" today... happiness factor up 30%,  and a sunny homegrown Florida orange to start my day on a high note.
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
The power of being nice,  surrounding myself with good things,  experiencing plasma pherisis, massive internal bleeds, and the people who donated their plasma to save me,  pastel painting deep into the night,  my neighbors putting my garbage cans away,  spinach sauteed in garlic and olive oil,  knowing that each day is my own to play with,  and squirrels being squirrels.
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Singing on the mountaintops and in the valleys below, I may live in a house with moldy floors, duck taped carpets and broken windows but when I watch Extreme Home Makeover" I realize that I live in a palace,  iced coffee w/ chocolate protein powder,  seeing grocery shopping as a world of creative possibilities,  sharing my passion for art with my son Steve,  and my old dog going through his second childhood and being stuck in the terrible twos.  Too funny.
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
Robins in January, trying to slow down my speech,  feeding my soul so that I can feed others,  encouraging other artists and marketing my work,  new book "Creating From The Spirit...  Living Each Day As A Creative Act" by Dan Wakefield,  Extreme Home Makeover show,  taking time with God  because He always has time for me,  painting every day no if and or buts,  and de cluttering.
Celebrate the day!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
Waking up to blaring classic rock, feeling like doing the wrong thing but choosing to do right, my morning omelet in a cup,  playing on the piano "Take The A Train" at midnight,  bracelets with paint on them, recreating the life that I had before living in a wheelchair,  my parents having me to keep her company and the birth on my husband to produce two beautiful children so "Happy Happy birthday Michele and Glenn!"
Celebrate the day!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
Overcoming my obstacles one day at a time,  having a vision of abundance, believing that one day I will own a wheelchair accessible vehicle,  a jar of tandoori sauce to play with,  making friends in the produce isle,  being fully engaged in life...  most of the time,  my new book "A Woman's Guide To Living Alone... 10 ways to survive grief and be happy" and my new obsession with curry.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday's Grace Notes

Remembering when "American Band Stand" and "Soul Train" used to be on the T.V. every Saturday morning, high tappin' Irish music, writing my thank you note of the day, Friday nights spent in front of the T.V. watching my pre recorded shows and reading to my hearts content, getting into a routine,  taking the time to eat outside,  and counting my blessings each night before I go to sleep.
Celebrate the day!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
Teaching watercolor pencils to my art students using my own technique, a girls night out,  teaching Adele's "Someone Like You" music to my voice and piano students,  a tall glass of iced coffee, a new bunch of books from the library,  my children's happiness,  a weekend to play with the paint, sending flowers to someone special,  "getting over my sweet self"  and  making time for fun
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
Sharing a smile with others and connecting,  learning that creditors really can be nice,  a perfect cup of coffee enjoyed slowly outside with a dog at your feet and a praying Mantis that you've named "Grace",  a big bowl of popcorn and  diet Coke,  doing things myself,  sending thank you notes and having a reason to do them,  "success is 5% talent and 95% hard work",  and teaching an old dog new tricks especially if I am the old dog.
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Owning my own life, my coffee maker now works... don't ask,  hearing the heat turn on during record breaking cold,  quiet time,  taking care of myself so that others don't have to,  my home made Italian soup,  my appliances that haven't broken lately,  and bringing joy back into my music.
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nancy Asbell "Florida Horizons" Premier Gallery @ Bank of America Tower

Nancy Asbell "Florida Horizons"
Premier Gallery @ Bank of America Tower
50 N. Laura Street, Suite 150
Jacksonville, FL
 "Washington Oaks" 36x48

Nancy Asbell's "Florida Horizons" show

Nancy Asbell's "Florida Horizons" show
January 2012
Perdue downtown Jacksonsville Florida 
5 W Forsyth Street 
"Silver Lining" 36x36  

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
Doing what God says even when "it's tooo hard!",  diligence... "keep it up!",  organizing, it always makes me feel good,  Bollywood music,  sometimes good enough really is good enough,  forgiving the man who jogs by me and my powerchair and says "Now that's what I want!  I'll have one of those!",  my new Buzz Magazine article and  friends helping friends.
Celebrate the day!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Santa Painting now on sale!

Santa Painting now on sale!
20x24 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
Was $480.00
Now $100.00 plus $20.00 shipping and handling
Great deal!

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
Happy New Year!
Sleeping 9 hrs!  Woo-hoo!,  a quick hot breakfast,  getting my act together (now is this act 1 or act 2?  And do I enter stage left or...),  my Bunn coffee maker is broken BUT it still works- just very v e r y slowly,  my new one woman show "Florida Horizons" at Perdue in downtown Jacksonville,  putting away the holidays and bringing back the calm,  watching Panda push his "now THAT was easy" Staples button and picking up after myself.
Celebrate the day!