Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Asbellarts: Marketing 101 Tip Of The Day

Asbellarts: Marketing 101 Tip Of The Day
Always include an image of your work and/or performance example with every press release or media connection but keep it simple.  After a short three minutes you may have lost their interest must images stay in the minds eye.

Angels Unaware

Angels Unaware
After my Eight long years of having seizures and Epilepsy we had a woman's retreat at "my" church where I was the music minister.  At the very beginning we all, mostly "strangers", all of the ladies held hands for Jesus to "take away my Epilepsy".  Oh didn't they know?   I didn't have Epilepsy, it had me. It was who I was.
Two weeks later at 103 pounds I was admitted into the Hospital neurology department for two weeks in Las Angeles.and it was decided that I didn't have Epilepsy after all but complicated migraines that presented themselves as seizures but were TIA's (mini strokes) and brain inflammation.
Here is the neat part ( I am now a Lupus advocate and my symble is butterflies) once home my church family gave me a beautiful stained glass of a butterfly symbolizing "new beginnings".
Oh ye of little faith.

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
If you are a Christian, you are welcome here, Atheist, "Father Mother God", or just "hanging out" you are welcome here and we all can learn from each other,  hanging out with "half baked Christians... no wait that's me!  LOL,  being a trained facilitator since I was 23...  yes I have always been weird,  so much healthier but Doctors and nurses are still calling me to "check in",  turning a gossip into a "but bless her heart, let's pray for her" is still a gossip,  if I'm going to do something, make it fun!  and cleaning teams that work extra hours just to truly take care of me and to get down to the nitty gritty are really not gaining a great profit but they are making God's day.
Celebrate the day
I am so happy I can barely stand it!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Asbellarts: Marketing 101

Asbellarts:Marketing 101.  This course develops the 60/40% approach to selling your work and treating it as a business.  It does not give you a free fish.  It teaches YOU how to throw out your nets.  The cost is from $20 t0 $100.00 per month.  This is only for the artist that already has a body of work. Examples of our goals are "I'd Rather Be In My Studio", "the Artist Way", and "Talent Is Never Enough" . These are required readings  for this very affordable course at your pace, NOT suggestions. I will not sell or represent your work. I am teaching YOU how to do that. What I legally can"t do for you I will send you to ones who can.  If you are ready to commit I can"t wait to meet you.
Why am I doing this?
I have a life expectency of day to day.  My doctors say that the only thing that is keeping me alive is my faith in God and awesome attitude. I am unclenching my fists and tossing out the candy as fast as I can.
Social Marketing 60/40% approach

Newsletter Ideas
New Business Websites and Blogs
Artist Reading Materials
Self Promotion
New Galleries
Art Bloggs, Twitter, Facebook... and that is only the tip of the iceburg
Art Associations
Finding An Supporting a Passion/Charity
Scheduling, Time Management and Organizing your Studio
I will teach you how to do most of this for free...  really
I consider you all as my "new friends'.


Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
"I can't I can't...  oh yes you can!  Sometimes our setbacks teach us lessons more valuable than gold,  Teaching early morning voice lessons w/out an ounce of make up then brazenly heading to Publix for the first time in weeks due to illness and being told that my "face just glowed",  very sick in bed the next day to "pay" for it but sometimes when you have a chronic illness that's just part of the game....and worth every penny and wondering "can life get any better than this?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Asbellarts Marketing 101

Asbellarts Marketing 101
Hey performing artists!  Need to find a gig?  Get over your sweet self.  Start small. Face book it, Youtube it, volunteer... if you're good soon you will be choosing which opportunities to decline from.
Sounds like good advice, huh?
That is unless you are a ceramic artist.
Don't waste your time
Invest in your career, not someone elses.
Asbellarts Marketing 101

Asbellarts Marketing Tip

Asbellarts Marketing Tip
Today I recieved one more marketing client, sold a painting, and another new vioce student.
Good luck you say?  Talent? No.... a lot of hard work and social marketing.
Want to play along on the cheap?

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
Enjoying food again,  waking up feeling strong and better so that so many people can stop worrying about me.. including myself, once I become stronger I can be stronger for others as well,,  the fact that all of my students and clients end up eventually being my friends,  opening my fridge and not hearing the song "Blinded by the light",happy crows and old dogs chasing squirrels,  fun is always there to be had, we just have to remember to plug into it  and  Praising God that it is February and you and I are hear to enjoy it.
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Waking up and finding that the sun beat me to it!  Forgiving myself for not meeting my own demands, allowing myself that second mug of coffee, only being able to eat 1/2 my food,  making my homemade soups...  realizing that all along God has been supplying all of my needs and I was the biggest roadblock  and now I am waving my white flag. Dramatically increasing my steroids, beginning a very minor antidepressent and, this is the big thing....  I began having sezuires once I turned 21 followed by a life of illness. Last night for the very first time in my entire life  changing my bandages and asked God "Lord! Why me?  What have I done to deserve this?"
Do I place myself above Christ?  Even He cried to His father in Heaven "My God my God why have you forsaken me?
Now it's my turn to praise Him and say
"My God my God! Why have you blessed me?".
It all comes down to Grace.
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Asbellarts Marketing

Asbellarts Marketing
What does social media mean to you?
Enter your name, business, links, blogs, support groups...  are you out there?  And I don't mean like Pluto.  Check on "the web" and "images".  Do it at least weekly.  It really becomes kind of fun.... and like it or not visual/performing artist  this will become your new "bread and butter"...  or your prime rib.  That's where YOU and I come in.
Let's work together on this...  life is always more fun with an experienced friend to send you in the right direction.
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
God is not standing there with his arms across His chest expecting my next mistake,  no His arms are open wide to take me back in,  sometimes taking the easy way out IS the right way out,  remembering how it felt to enter my children's rooms in bare feet then discovering the army of plastic Lego's all over the floor, knowing that someday I would cherish this,  I have never been this sick living by myself before... and have never felt this loved,  and , well, listening to my doctors and greatly increasing my steroids tomorrow.  It should be a much better day.  I have a love/hate relationship with my many meds.

Celebrate the day!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Angels Unaware

Angels Unaware
Anybody out there and have 5 kids and have said "What was I thinking?" Hello.  How about being 50 yrs old with 5 rockin' kids?  Hello!  This is a posting about my big Sister Michele and my brother in love Chip. They are a true witnesses to what parenting and love has the potential to be. I was a very good mother, the best of the best and I never had a clue.  Did I mention that my beautiful sister has MS?  They have so much to teach, so much to share and so many people to encourage.
Please help them to continue to encourage others if nothing more than sharing this post?
Oh and by the way.  Michele is a powerhouse.  You rarely see her without a smile on her face and seems to always find the funny side in everything.
I want to be like her someday when I grow up.
They call themselves the "Rainbow Clannad"
While I "celebrate the day"
Her motto is "Living the dream.

Artist Marketing 101

Artist Marketing 101
Don't dream about your dreams.... live it.
Nancy Asbell
Visual/performing Arts Marketing

I have the experience, you have the talent.

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
I now declare that I only have a bad chest cold,  Today I took a real long look at myself in the mirror. I have been sick for several weeks. Once I recognized who I was and the shock began to wear off, I took two hours to slightly recaim my "girly girl".  Is it too soon to say "celebrate the day"?  Waking up to a messy house that I can still live in, hey! who turned on the birdsong again?  I have not been able to ride my blessed power chair down to Publix in several weeks.  It's not about the groceries.  I am well taken care of,  it's the baking manager that offers me not a free cookie but wants to give me a $14.00 torte just to make me happy.  I blush, stammer, give thanks and roll to the produce section.  There the produce manager takes me aside and says "our God is not on our schedule but he wants me to tell you that you are not alone. They know nothing about me... many of you are also in the dark as it should be.  They know nothing.  But they have seen me become weaker.  People who are strangers to me come up and say "you don't know me but you are such an inspiration to me...  you rock!"  I don't deserve any of this but if God wants to give it to me then I will try to pass on my Grace Notes for one more day.
Okay now can I say it?
Celebrate the day?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
Sleeping 7 1/2 hours straight!  Good golly Miss Molly!  Church is not for perfect people and that is why I miss it so much...   I fit right in,  able to eat an almost full bowl of cereal,  lighting a candle just for me and taking the time to slowly smell the lingering scent before I blow it out, old dogs that carry 1/2 of the "Nature Preserve" back inside with them to share, burning my delicious dinner but there is always tomorrow, "Joel Osteen" ( Mr Smiley) and Nancy Asbell both  smiling too much...  Okay! If they shared the outlook "Choose not to be a victim but a victor" they'd be smiling too.  Come one!  It's good endorphins. I still have legs... and they hurt... and how can I not be praising God...  I still have legs... and they hurt... and, and, I get it.  Bring it on!  Praise God!  I found my marbles.  They were in my chest.  Now I just have a nice calming pur of a cat before he plans his next attack.  Yeah....  I crack myself up.  I have to do something between snacks.  Seriously though, at least I have a beautiful bed to take naps in.  Tomorrow I am going to get my voice back to sing.  Even Panda misses it.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Angels Unaware

Angels Unaware
Living in Barstow California we were one of the lucky ones to experience the devastating earthquake.We were gripped in fear, darkness, and the crashing sounds of a "freight train". The only safe place in our government housing w/ a stud was at the front door so we huddled there. I was cold, in shock and forget about making conversation.  Above all of this roar my then 8 year daughter yelled "
Out of the mouths of babes.
Celebrate the day!

Saturday's Grace Notes

Saturday's Grace Notes
I wake up and I still hurt and God says "I know.  And you are never alone".
A lot of people don't like me. I mean, how can she "be suffering" and still be able to post these "Grace Notes?"  Oh just gag me with  spoon! (I wouldn't suggest that.  It sounds very painful from here),  I mean she just about gives her art away. She cheapens the work for of all of us.  Okay. Let's play a game.  You are told by a doctor that you have 30 days to live.  What will you do?  Something good I hope.  Okay how about 3 months to live?  The Mayo Clinic says that I almost died 11 times in the last two years.  They say that they cannot take credit.  It was my faith, incredible will to live and attitude.  Now they say that I live "on a tight wire"... every day is a miracle for me. Today?  Tomorrow?  I and my family know where I'm going. So I unclench my hands and I give free advice to international art lovers, very cheap coaching to artists/performers (if they are really serious about their business) my talents? Eh, landscape artists are a dime a dozen.  My overwhelming amount of experience/wisdom in social media/marketing? Extremely good.
At the end of the day I am telling Jesus "I hurt" he says "I know and you are not alone".
Every day I will selfishly be posting my Grace Notes. They help to keep me alive.
You can always "change the channel."
You see, I am the lucky one.
Celebrate the day!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
The Village Idiot
No wait!  Don't change the channel!
Have you ever paused to think about the hows and whys you became the person that you've become?  Well I do and there is always someone to blame.  Yup.  That's when we begin w/ our parents and it usually is not on a high note.  That's the trend, right?  I could play along but no I would be throwing more of Gods Blessings back in His face.
So play along, please. Yes. Pun intended.
I was born premature.  The Dr gave my mother this way too small baby and says "be careful.  She can't have much stress... good grief.  I really liked that different drummer. (
I was geeky and very talented.  Sometimes poor as church mice my Mom made sure that we always had the finest art supplies, piano lessons, two pianos so we wouldn't fight over who's turn it was to get to play, Michele and I sang and harmonized ALL THE TIME! She made sure that I had voice lessons, two of the best guitars money could buy, encouraged us to be in every play, no matter how stupid our costumes looked and cried every time that she heard me sing lyric soprano as I majored in voice with scholorships..
No Don't let me confuse you.  It's not Mothers day, but she is 86 years old and I have a life threatening disease. Why wait.  Life is WAY too important.
Celebrate the day
I love you Mommy.

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
I slept through the night. Didn't wake for pain medicines, only had some new wounds to treat for messes. I only struggled to breathe once I got up... and I was giddy. I gave myself shots, took blood pressure nmeds, I took my daily photos of my legs for my health care team..  today they are fire engine red (I am an artist you know so I can change from black to red if I want to),  it took me one hour to shower, re do some wounds and get dressed on my own and I was giddy,  my Mayo staff said That I still run a huge risk of losing my legs but due to new treatments using "balloon's" I should be able to live through the surgery.  Maybe NOW you can understand why I am so giddy!  Giddy up and go and
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursdays Grace Notes

Thursdays Grace Notes
I have personally experienced so much pain and worse yet witnessed again and again the suffering of others. 2011 has been a sense of Hell itself .  Or has it been?  It has been the most beautiful experiences of my life.  I praise God for them.   I will never be the same. I never want to be the same.  Now I have so much of the good parts of myself to give,  I have pneumonia.  Can you imagine having bronchitis asthama or Copd Every day?  Now I once again have been given another eye and heart lesson of the struggles of others.   I roll into the kitchen in the morning filled with stress.  "Should I have 1/2 of a bagel with my beloved coffee and Greek yogurt or a bowl of cereal.  Some beautiful woman on the other side of the world just lost her fifth child to water so dirty it cannot be printed on this page.  How can I go without praising Jesus for MY lupus and MY available medicine.  Suddenly my blessings are raining down me and I will never be the same.
Celebrate... CELEBRATE the day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Once Was Lost But Now I'm Found

I Once Was Lost But Now I'm Found
Rotating My One Woman And look What I Found!
The Way To Cedar Key 20x20
Days End 22x28
Guanna Blue Three 20x20
Steve's Guana
Lilly Pond Marsh 10x30
Blessed 10x10
Merritt Island 20x30
Golf View 24x24
Sunlit Palm 12x24 
Emerald Waters 20x30
Morning Golf View 26x48
Large Palm 4' x 5'

Suggested Retail Price List

 Suggested Retail Price List 2012
Gallery Wrapped Acrylic
4x4 $50.00
5x5 $60.00
5x7 $70.00
8x10 $120.00 
12x12 $130.00
10x20 $280.00
10x30 $300.00
16x20 $375.00
18x24 $400.00
12x36 $440.00
15x30 $460.00
20x24 $480.00
22x28 $525.00
24x24 $560.00
24x30 $700.00
24x36 $775.00
30x40 $1200.00
24x48 $1100.00
36x36 $1250.00
36x48 $1400.00

Artist Tip For The Day

Artist Tip For The Day
Facebook people!
Create a separate business page for yourself and Blog.  If this stroke lady can do it so can you!
Market yourself!
60% percent of my social media sales come from Facebook.
Load it up with only your best images, make a very simple resume and remind them just WHAT makes you and your product so special.
It takes time but you and your BUSINESS are worth it.
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Finally getting the correct meds for my pneumonia (I am allergic to too many)  choosing to have fun anyway and placing lightweight easy to read catalogs in my bed to read first thing in the morning or at 3:00 in the morning when I can't sleep, making biscuits just for me... oh and a big glass of chocolate protein powder,  Megan once again taking care of me w/ meds and groceries. I hear that she actually DOES have life... meanwhile she gut me a couple of real tubs of ice cream, you know the kind that I haven't had in a very long time?  I barely remember what they taste like but I'm willing to try,  people willing to take time off of work just to take care of me.  As you can see I am hanging in there but I don't deserve their kindness,  doctors showing more compassion and kindness and giving myself the gift of only surrounded by those who love them.... however there is always that "10%"
Celebrate the day you dear people!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Artist Marketing Tip Of The Day

Artist Marketing Tip Of The Day

Brand yourself.
Create your own identity.
What do you want to be known for?
Mine is Artist/Musician/Teacher/Marketer/ Motivational Speaker and Lupus Awareness.
Use it in all of your "tags" and social media when appropriate.
You are a business.
Take yourself seriously.
If not you, who will?
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes
When you are trying to help someone and they don't want it a wise woman just simply walks away...  Being brave and bold and posting about my "not wanting to play along" black legs.  I received responses from my Twitter, Facebook, email accounts, whole living, fineartamerica, linkedin and daily blogs.  "Thank you. I don't feel so alone".... "now I really do count my blessings every day."  TMI?  Maybe but I promised God to advocate for Lupus Then my art.  God keeps His promises.  So should I. People cutting me some slack after learning that I had a brain stem stroke in 1996 and running a business is sometimes hard to do.  Emails for me for communication help.  If this "compromised brain can do it then we all can... as long as we continue to help each other...  Thank you.  Thank you so much for being there.  Thanks to you I can always
Celebrate the day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Visual / Performing Marketing Tip #2

Visual / Performing Marketing Tip #2
Regularly Google your name and business but not from your own computer.  Your personal computer contains  history which may show up as higher actual rankings. View  the web and  images.
Celebrate the day!

Moses Had An Aaron I had a Michele

Moses Had An Aaron I had a Michele
Michele and I were born 15 months apart. I was HER baby sister.  End of story. I had a disabling speech impediment. Often only she would know what I was trying to say.
God called Moses to lead His people. But God, I stutter!  So God gave Moses his brother Aaron. Moses soon found out that he could lead God's people all along.
As for me, I have learned that even I can become a motivational speaker for Epilepsy, strokes, Lupus, art/music marketing and positive living.  Moses, me, you...  God knows that we had it in us all along.
Celebrate the day!

Monday's Grace Notes "help!"

Monday's Grace Notes  "help!"
Godaddy has disabled my accounts but was happy to accept their payment last month.  They say that it should be repaired by today or Tuesday...  now how do I make a Grace Note out of this one?  Any ideas?  Enjoying coffee in a huge 44DD cup... size,  LOL!  "I am one of Gods masterpieces...  Masterpiece Theater that is... we all need a drama :)  My doctor and friend called me Friday night, phoned in a new antibiotic for a new chest cold, complimented me on my new paintings, told me that I was working too hard and take it easy on the weekend "pretend that your sick".  I didn't follow directions. Sometimes following my own advice is like swallowing a bitter pill. Why does God insist that I keep having to relearn my lessons.  Maybe He just wants to make sure that I keep showing up in class every day.
Celebrate the day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
My cup runneth over... quick I need to empty my hands before I "waste" my blessings,  Don't tell me that people on facebook are superficial...  you people are way too good and supportive to carelessly discard with such words while YOU grace ME with another blessed day,  I woke up with a chest cold and realized that as long as I don't laugh or giggle I wont break into a caughing spell. I'm, "okay" and then it hit me, I live by myself and laugh that much?  Where is Nancy and, you've  heard it again "where did she go?"  Today I need to slow down.... but I can still play the guitar and piano just no singing.
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chronic Illness Blog

Chronic Illness Blog
So... if you still have that cup of coffee,  I have decided to post a separate  Chronic Illness Blog.  I mean, really... somebody may enjoy my Grace Notes until they get a little too much TMI and are afraid that they may be asked to come over and massage my bunions LOL. In 2005 I dedicated to God my art career to Him to advocate for Lupus awareness and the rest... financial security, up to Him.  That hasn't changed.  But the real days ins and days oust of living the life of pain just may be too much and can be more addressed through Chronic Illness.  And accesss to my personel email and other social sites.  What do you think!

Angels Unaware Blogs

Angels Unaware Blogs
I, um have gotten so excited about all of the people that God has put into my life, well let's just say that I have WAY too many just to post on Sundays.  What do you think?  Make this a new separate blog and blog more often?  How much more often?  Do I need to pass out free coffee to keep peoples interest?

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Hearing a red tail hawk in my backyard,   not needing to eat just to fill an emotional void because it is already filled with happiness... where is Nancy and where did you put her?  painful experiences and telling God "I may never forget this pain" and He patiently says "I hope you never do"....  Hey!  I'm a very busy person!  But God keeps meddling with my time anyway!   CRAVING Sonic hamburgers and onion rings and thankful that I no longer own a car,  Can you believe that Dunken Donuts tweeted me yesterday to say that they are following me?  Is there no justice in the world?  Writing down so many Grace Notes that it is now my journal ( You are welcome... you really do not need to hear all that I have to "share" and hearing the automatic sprinklers turn on.
Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday's Grace Notes

Tuesday's Grace Notes  Great way to begin the day w/ a great laugh,  looking forward to recess, a snack then an afternoon nap...  I love Kindergarten! LOL I keep receiving new music and art students that are so talented that maybe I should pay them!,,   I may  not be the most talented person but I am very good at marketing myself... can I help you as well?  "open my eyes so that I may see"  Oh my gosh!  It's a beautiful day out there and I haven't even opened the front door yet!,  clothing myself w/ humility...  I may be a bit overdressed today,  my new self imposed BIG seven day weekly planner so that I can "get it all done".
Okay.  Once again I talked too much....
Celebrate the day!

Why I teach Private Art Lessons

Why I teach Private Art Lessons
I have taught artist workshops for years.  I'll even go far enough that I am good at it and I make a lot more money.  At the end of the workshop everybody happily walks away with the same 'palm tree at the beach'.In a private fine art lesson we learn the proper needed techniques and the why and hows to get there.  And from that point the private fine art lesson is all about YOU.  At the end of the one to two hour lesson you have created YOUR piece of art.  You can't believe that YOU created THAT!  You will take it home and hang it on your wall.  It's THAT GOOD.  Recently a student completed his painting and with tears in his eyes he decided that THIS is what God wants you to do. Oh and am I that good of a fine art teacher?  No.  I'm just being used as one heck of a cheerleader.
Celebrate the day!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Marketing Monday Tips

Marketing Monday Tips
It's Monday but do not send out your latest email.  Monday mornings we are all behind from Friday.  We would just disappear.  Same for Friday.  We're overwhelmed and we just want to close up our computer for the week.  Once again any interest in our email disappears.  Answer, email on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  As for weekends, especially Facebook communication, pour it on.  We have a full audience.  We will talk more about emails and the relevancy of them.  Personally for me they are great to connect with people and yes I sell a lot of art that way AND received more students an music gigs.   Now see?  All of this really can be fun. 

Monday's Grace Notes

Monday's Grace Notes
Please indulge me.  I am so inappropriately happy you may just want to 'slap me'! My love for my neighbor Megan....  NO I don't 'swing both ways...  I'm not that exciting LOL  I am not her responsibility I am first and foremost her friend.  I can't find the words of thanks.  There is no pity here, just a lot of mutual respect....learning to be humbled every day and STILL tyring to talk less and listen more,  having tiny piddly legs and arms but a huge torso/ neck... from steroids and reconstructive surgeries and know that God still finds me beautiful... isn't that all that really matters?  I rolled over w/ ease today in bed and w/ new meds, got out of it and walked to my wheelchair preparing myself for the searing pain... that was not there.  Pain, yes..disabling pain?  No.  The freeing respect and trust that my doctors give to me for my own self care.
I love you and I love life.
Celebrate the day!
I am there!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday's Angels Unaware

Sunday's Angels Unaware
Years ago I was rushing Steven and Shannon to our car from one of my many jobs to the other and there is Steve playing with something w/ a stick.  Moms, we've all been there.  Steven!  Hurry up!  But Mommy we have to save it!  It's not a dead mouse!  It's a hummingbird and it's drowning!"  Oh good grief. He patiently fed it nectar from one of my petunias and in the 106* Mojave Desert heat 45 minutes later it buzzed out into the desert. Alive. I was the hurried "Church Lady".  Steven was the 11 year old "Good Samaritan"  Yes this choir director/worship leader DID show up late and when I shared this story there wasn't a dry eye in church that night,
Celebrate the day!

Sunday's Grace Notes

Sunday's Grace Notes
If it takes a village to "raise" a Nancy well in the last few days it took an Army and God meddled in the whole thing the whole time.  I thought that I'd share.  I mean really share.  Then I remembered that "oh ya, you really do have a life.  So.....
Finally being on the right meds and big guns antibiotics so I am no longer sitting in my wheelchair simply crying, in April AT&T contacted ME to tell me that my identity had been stolen and my business sabotaged.  It is February 2012 and I now have it back... I have it back....  my dog Panda getting into the garbage and I realized that if I had his boring life I would get in the garbage too, simple "acts of kindness" from others really CAN save my life,  I slept 'til 10:00 people!  And then I just got out of my bed, into my chair, poured coffee w/out spilling it (RA) and watched Joel Osteen.  My neighbor even got my newspaper, I am awake... no naps today.  Okay.  Now I am crying, tears of joy.  Sooooo
Celebrate the day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's Grace Notes

Friday's Grace Notes
Having dried paint on my hands while I work on the computer... oh happy day! Transporting one of my shows from downtown to St Johns, it is nice to be fully involved again,  the neighborhood ducks are no longer afraid of me when I roll on by with my chair, if I want more friends then I have to be one,  giving thanks when when thanks is due... and especially when it is not,  finding joy in the ability to pay my JEA (power/water) bill,  the book "Coming Back.  Rebuilding Lives After Crisis and Loss" by Ann Kaiser Stearns.  I wish that I had the brains and talents to have written it myself  and finding the strength to ask for outside help when that may be what is best for me.
And you my friend!
Celebrate the day!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday's Grace Notes

Thursday's Grace Notes
The unbelievable kindness of people... yesterday "The Ladies" came just to clean my floors.  When they left I discovered that they cleaned everything!  They really took care of me.  Thanks to them I only took one nap yesterday, "I can't be jealous and happy at the same time",  my worst day with God is still better than any day without Him",  getting to know my neighbors, last Sunday I didn't make it to church... neither did a new acquaintance that I met while doing one of my "roll abouts".  Once connecting with tears we both said "THIS is church!, new art and music students, and not sleeping well because I couldn't wait to begin this glorious day.  Really.  So far I am off to a great start!
Celebrate the day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday's Grace Notes

Wednesday's Grace Notes
Today is a great day.  I am in increased pain (large wounds on legs) and am having tremers.  So why is today so special?  I have to dig deaper from my soul to really give thanks.  So here we go!  I am thankful that I can tie my own tennis shoes with out asking for help,  my doctors are "allowing me" to live alone and take care of myself,.... and I am very good at that,  Playing and singing "Someone Like You" by Adele on the piano late into the night, reading about a man that due to an injury 25 yrs ago lives in a power chair, just like me and has trouble getting enough sleep each night because he is so excited to live another day... we are the lucky ones, my "No Excuses Bag" that I made.  Today I pulled out "How can I help?  I'm in a chair?" Answer, They may be moving but I can put together a basket w/ baked goods, instant expresso, disposable coffee cups and a cream cheese spread while the movers are there.  Spoken like a 29 yrs Army wife...  and one more thing???  In pain I watched Joyce Meyer but it left me only hungrier to be spiritually filled.  I guess I just have to read my Bible.  No the lesson is not lost on me.  I geft it.  NOW it will be a wonderful day!
Celebrate the day!